Thursday, May 20, 2010

What a Beautiful Mess

(Thanks for the picture Brooke!)

This was our front porch after the first couple days of getting back to Utah- boxes, boxes, and more boxes (this isn't even all of the boxes either)! Our neighbor upstairs told Blake that they thought we were having Christmas down here ha. A lot of people get stressed and overwhelmed when moving in and having to go through all of the boxes, but not us! We are loving every single minute of it! It is so fun getting settled into our new home together. We have been working hard this past week to get our place how we want it (Luckily we have amazing friends who have been a huge help also- thanks Kristi, Brooke, Blake, and JT)! Blake has been working super hard at assembling all of our new furniture. I have been working hard finding things new homes and making sure everything is organized. It is hard work but will definitely be worth it!

We just keep telling eachother how lucky we are. While unpacking all of our wedding and bridal shower gifts I felt so fortunate! We never would have thought that as young newly weds we would have such wonderful things, and we are so grateful! I will put up pictures of our place as soon as we get everything settled!


  1. Seriously it IS like Christmas!! (Just about the biggest Christmas ever!). I felt the same way--so grateful to have so many nice things to start out life with. Have fun settling in. We might already be planning a quick impromptu trip up your way soon... and want to see you guys!

  2. So fun!! I love that you are putting your place all together. It makes me smile just thinking about it. Fun fun fun! I am glad you two got so many amazing and fabulous things. You deserve it. I cannot wait for pictures soon. Happy Christmas!! Good luck with all the hard fun work.

  3. It really is fun! I'm glad you guys are having some time to get settled, can't wait to see your place.

  4. I love unpacking! It's the best part of moving. Finding everything a place and making a new apartment (or house) a home. Glad you guys are having fun with it. Also, when you are first married you definitely have the nicest stuff! I'm just realizing that now that I've been married for 6+ years and some of my wedding present stuff is wearing out and I'm having to replace it. :)

  5. So fun! I loved unpacking all our wedding stuff and putting it away and making it "home!" I can't wait to come visit you guys and see your place. Being married is so fun....I'm glad you two are loving it!

  6. i am so happy you have a blog!!! i can't wait to read it!! i am so sad i couldn't come to your wedding but everything looked beautiful!! i am so excited for you, being married is the best! and i buy all my headbands from nordstrom or forever 21 for cheap! haha, i love them!

  7. Hey Whitney! Congratulations! I am happy you have a blog, now I can blog stalk you!! Wonderful! hope you are enjoying the married guys are a gorgeous couple!

  8. I am so glad you started a blog. haha I couldnt wait until I was married and started one a couple years ago to keep in touch with my sisters and cousins. its seriously the best. Looks like its been kinda a project moving in! but a fun one! I can't wait to see your place next time I am in Utah! Good luck with the unpacking!

  9. Whit! Oh wow... I'm glad you and Blake are so pleasant about the move! I am like the majority who hate it! Isn't married life the best?! I'm so happy for you guys! But freak we miss you guys! We will play as soon as we get home!

  10. Yeah, you guys have a blog! I love organizing and putting things together too - it feels so good once your done. Can't wait to see what everything looks like!!!

  11. Ugh packing and moving sucks but your probably mostly all settled in?!?! Glad you made a blog! Ask me anything and I can totally help you with any questions you have! I feel like I know a real good amount now but I am definitely not a designer or anything! :)
