Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Slowly but Surely...

These past six months have been so wonderful for us! Between moving to California, Blake getting a new job, and preparing for the baby it has been quite an adventure.

I am already madly in love with little baby T (nicknamed by my parents ha). Getting to feel him wriggle inside me all the time is really endearing and makes the whole thing so real. It really never gets old feeling him move or listening to his heartbeat. I just had a doctors appointment and all is well with both of us. He is growing to be nice and healthy. I feel like time has flown by so fast so far, but at the same time thinking about waiting three more months seems like a lifetime. Slowly but surely we are creeping towards that due date! I know he'll be here before I know it though...

I wanted to document some of the fun things we have done these past six months since I've been pregnant, with the emphasis on seeing how my belly has been growing. It is crazy waking up every morning to a bigger belly. It is so amazing how the body changes and adapts to help this baby grow. Sorry some of the pictures aren't the best belly shot, but you get the idea.

2 Weeks...St. Patrick's Day

4 weeks... Disneyland Getaway (I miss these girls)

6 Weeks... Vegas Baseball Series/Found out I was pregnant

8 Weeks... Blake's Graduation

9 Weeks... Jamie's Graduation

10 Weeks... Senior Day

12 Weeks... FINALLY got to tell family and friends

14 Weeks... Henry's Baby Blessing in Vegas

15 Weeks... Paige's Graduation

17 Weeks... Belly is starting to poke out

18 Weeks... Fourth of July

20 Weeks... Halfway there and Started to feel him move around!

22 Weeks... Kristi's Baby Shower (she is due any day now!)

24 Weeks... Growing every day

25 Weeks...This week!

25 Weeks... He is about the size of an eggplant (according to my pregnancy app. ha). He is about 9.2 inches and 2 pounds.

25 Weeks down and 15 to go! I can't wait to meet this little guy in a few months!


  1. Love the update! You look so great! It sounds like life is just chugging along for you guys. Enjoy the last few months of being able to sleep whenever you want to, go on dates without planning, and having a clean house. :) Can you tell those are the things I sort of miss? Anyway, it sounds like you are having a good pregnancy. Can't wait to see pictures of the little man when he debuts.

  2. I was just talking to my mom yesterday about cute you and baby T. You look fantastic! I'm glad things are settling into place for you guys!

  3. I'm so glad you posted pictures! I've been wanting to see your cute baby bump! You look great! Hope everything is going well

  4. Your baby bump is SO stinkin cute! Love the documentation!

  5. PS: Are you having a shower, a family shower or something? If so I would like an invite! Thanks!

  6. Oh, you look so good! We miss you so much. :)

  7. You are looking so cute Whitney! Each time I see you you are showing more and more and I love it! It is just this cute adorable bump. It was fun hanging out with you guys in Saturday. Thanks for coming out to the games. We sure love you guys!!
