Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Congratulations Blake!

Blake's graduation from BYU was this past week. Unfortunately, Blake had baseball games during both ceremonies Thursday and Friday so he couldn't actually walk. However, he was a good sport and dressed up and let us take pictures of him! He borrowed my cap and gown from last year (hence the extremely short sleeves ha). Way to go Blake!


  1. That is the definition of 'good sport' right there! Hahaha! Really the important part is the diploma. Congrats, Blake!!!

  2. That's too funny that he just borrowed your cap and gown! My mom sent me a text picture and I totally thought the game time must have gotten changed and he ended up walking! Ha!

  3. What an accomplishment! Can't wait to have you all to ourselves this summer :)

  4. Congratulations Blake!! I am glad you let them take pictures of you :) So exciting you have graduated. Doesn't it feel good :) I remember thinking "I hope I never have to take another class ever again." Sad. I have a little different opinion now...but that is how I felt when I graduated :) I sure do love you!

  5. Big B from Little b, way to go man! Love you like a fat kid loves cake!!!
